Just like the old porch swings, this swing requires a small effort by children or adults to begin its gentle back and forth motion, which is limited by the chain into the ground below it, so it’s great for full body coordination. Better still, no fall zone is required (a wonderful benefit if you have a small playground where space is at a premium).
Teachers find that the Arbor Swings are great places to cuddle with children, and children love to "conquer” the Arbor Swing -- getting it moving, keeping it going, and climbing into and out of it, so it’s definitely a children’s swing, as well!
Several of these affordable Arbor Swings should be placed in various quiet places around your playground, or it can be used as a backyard swing. The Arbor Swing has a small footprint, offers shade, is peaceful and gentle, provides a place for climbing plants (morning glories, wisteria, pole beans), can seat several children (or an adult and children) all at once, and they offer a place for quiet reflection.
Great in combination with the Hammock! (available elsewhere in this store)
A fabulous piece of playground furniture, our Arbor Swing comes partly assembled, and with the hardware and with simple, easy-to-follow assembly and installation instructions.
NOTE: Where swings pose high risk of injury and need LOTS of room to meet fall zone requirements (500 square feet for a single swing!), Arbor Swings offer low impact, low key ways for children to stimulate vestibular and proprioceptive impulses and feedback, which helps them understand both the position and movement of their bodies.
There are also hidden benefits which make the act of swinging an important play activity: It’s a great exercise for eyes! Swinging away from and toward objects means that the depth of focus is constantly changing which obviously requires the eyes to frequently refocus. Swinging also causes the fluid in the inner ear to constantly swirl back and forth and slightly up and down as well, which is excellent for balance development.
Further, the overall stimulation of moving through space helps children (of all ages!) better understand how their bodies are able to adjust to constantly changing positions and the accompanying stimulation of those changes (proprioception).