Natural Playgrounds

New Items

Outdoor Classrooms

STEAM Learning

Backyard Ideas

Embankment Slides

Stumps Logs

Sand Play

Water Play

Art Music

Science Nature

Upper Body Challenge

Rocks Boulders

Infants Toddlers

Loose Parts


Labyrinths Sundials

TeePees Decks Gazebos

Tunnels Bridges Caves Log Houses

Benches Tables Hammocks


Design Services

Maintenance Storage Sanitation

Pavement Game Templates


Outdoor Classrooms

The real purpose of outdoor classrooms is to get kids outside. Studies show that increased exposure to the out-of-doors helps kids be more resourceful, make better decisions, be sick less often, be calmer, and score higher on tests.

Quite simply, outdoor classrooms are really about kids learning things while they’re outside! 

So — if you’d like to get your kids outside more, help them be more observant, beef up their descriptive writing, hone their investigatory skills, better their math abilities, improve their overall well-being, and help them stay healthy, just start simple by taking your favorite activity outside.

In this section of our store, you’ll find products that make outdoor learning easier and simple. You can put together your own package that helps you feel comfortable teaching outside.


Stepping Stumps (set of 4)

Art Easels

Embankment Slide Platform

Magnifying Station

Blocks, Block Play

Slab Bench

Mud Kitchen

Chalkboard and Whiteboard Magnetic Walls

Sitting Stumps (set of 4)

Root Garden or Worm Farm

Balance Scale

Wind Chimes

Collection Table 30 inch

Weather Station

Logs for sitting, balance

Raised Bed Gardens

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