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Gadget Board

Gadget Board
Prices below
Brand: Natural Playgrounds Company
Toxicity: child friendly wood preservative
Age Appropriateness: infants and toddlers
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Children are curious about everything, and to satisfy their curiosity, they touch, play with, pull, push, make things move, and do everything else they can with anything that moves or looks like it has a purpose!

And because of this, they get easily distracted if they can’t keep themselves occupied.

So what better than this Gadget Board (sometimes called a Busy Board) to keep their interest for long periods of time?? They start working on something, get distracted by the next thing, try that, then move to the next, and the next, and the next!

You won’t believe how long children will stay engaged in front of this simple board with its zippers, Velcro, latches, knobs, hinges, hooks, pulleys, and many more things. Play items may vary depending on what is available.

We bet your child will get several years’ worth of use out of this wonderful and interactive Gadget Board!

Made with kid friendly treated lumber. Simple installation instructions. It’s about 24” square.

We can make it to be self-supporting if you want to have it inside, or we can make it without the side posts so you can mount it on the wall.